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Saturdays in Books

Reviews of speculative fiction, YA, middle grade, and graphic novels, along with stray thoughts, links, and pictures.

Currently reading

The SFWA European Hall of Fame: Sixteen Contemporary Masterpieces of Science Fiction from the Continent
Kathryn Morrow, James K. Morrow

Saturdays' Reads: Local Selection

Storm in a Teacup (Ayala Storme Book 1) - Emmie Mears Daddy was an Undertaker - McDill McCown Gassman, John V. Graven Inside Out & Back Again - Thanhha Lai Gone Crazy in Alabama - Rita Williams-Garcia Chapelwood: The Borden Dispatches - Cherie Priest

I haven't finished a book in a while and I'm already a few books behind on reviews. So instead I'm making a short list of book recommendations with the common thread of all being set near where I live. My stomping grounds are the American south, specifically northern Alabama. 


 Up first, recent release Storm in a Teacup is set largely in Nashville, not quite two hours from here. In this world, Alabama has been lost to demon hordes in the recent past. Book two visits a few locations even closer to the state line and includes a flashback to the fall of the deep south.


 Next, a memoir in the form of verse recounting the experiences of the author after moving from Vietnam to Alabama. This is intended for a middle grade audience, but is a good read for anyone, really.


 Finally, a difficult to find biography of Huntsville, Alabama's first undertaker. Written by one of his daughters in the 50's, this is as much about Huntsville in the 20's as it is about one man.


Bonus: two books I'm looking forward to reading that are also set in Alabama:




Where are you from? What should I read that is set there?