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Saturdays in Books

Reviews of speculative fiction, YA, middle grade, and graphic novels, along with stray thoughts, links, and pictures.

Currently reading

The SFWA European Hall of Fame: Sixteen Contemporary Masterpieces of Science Fiction from the Continent
Kathryn Morrow, James K. Morrow

A More Diverse Universe Starts Yesterday

And I'm apparently behind. 


Diverse Universe Challenge Logo


Here is the sign up post over at Book Lust. The rules are simple:


  • 1. Read and review one book
  • 2. Written by a person of color
  • 3. During the last two weeks of September (September 14th - 27th) 


I'm reading Orleans, by Sherri L. Smith



Because I love all of you dearly, I'm also going to throw out a few super awesome recommendations for anyone else who wants to participate.


Middle Grade: Zahrah the Windseeker is the best Nnedi Okorafor-Mbachu  book I've read so far. A teenage girls must venture into the jungle to find the cure for a slow poison killing her best friend. AND SHE CAN FLY. Alternately, if you want something not genre, Ana recommended One Crazy Summer and Inside Out and Back Again, which are both pretty good.


Fantasy: A Stranger in Olondria is Sofia Samatar's first novel. It was short listed for the Nebula, World Fantasy, and Locus Awards. It just won the British Fantasy Award, and Samatar won this year's Campbell (best new author). Seriously, why haven't you already read this one?


Science Fiction: The Best of All Possible Worlds by Karen Lord is for some reason not linked to the right Karen Lord on BookLikes, but it's totally the one I linked to. Jane Austen Star Trek is all you need to know. Jane. Austen. Star. Trek. People.


Graphic Novel: Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood is Marjane Satrapi's autobiographical collection of stories about growing up in Iran. I think graphic novel is my favorite format for biography these days.


Happy reading, everyone!