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Saturdays in Books

Reviews of speculative fiction, YA, middle grade, and graphic novels, along with stray thoughts, links, and pictures.

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The SFWA European Hall of Fame: Sixteen Contemporary Masterpieces of Science Fiction from the Continent
Kathryn Morrow, James K. Morrow

DNF: Unravel (Linked #2)

Unravel  - Imogen Howson

I have given up at not even the half way mark. I really, really want to like this, but Elissa's unending obnoxious internal monologue has made that impossible. 


And it's really too bad.


There is a beautiful chapter about consent that has nothing to do with sex. And some wonderful thoughts on the horror of discovering just how awful of things people are capable of doing.


But I cannot take any more of the whining relationship overthinking insecure bullshit narrator.


I think if this one had been written from Lin's perspective, I would have loved it even more than the first one. Alas.